I am now in a position to promote my latest quiz.
60 questions Cryptic/General Knowledge/Anagrams of place names in British Isles containing things found in Town or Country.
Closing date 31st October 2020. (Please, no asking for online help before 21st October then ask for clues only).
1st Prize £10 to person with highest score plus 2nd Prize £5 randomly picked from all returned sheets.
£1 plus sae to Mrs G Halliday
‘Lorien’. Main Road.
Lincolnshire. PE22 8AG.
Cheques payable to Mrs G Halliday (if cash secure well). Also available by email via PayPal using link. £1.40p if using this method to cover PayPal charges. If link does not open, copy and paste into web browser. (You do not need a PayPal account to use this method). I am automatically informed once payment has been made, I then email the quiz to you as soon as I possibly can. Please make sure that if using PayPal that your email address is up to date as the one given to me by PayPal is the one I use to send the quiz.
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button _id=LDBK56NCTRZXA
Any queries to
[email protected]
Thank you for your past and hopefully your future support.