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If It's A Clear Night Where You Are...

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Tilly2 | 20:28 Thu 27th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
just pop outside and have a look at the Moon and Venus together. It's spectacular...but a little bit nippy.

Western sky.


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What are they doing?
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Not a lot, just shining brightly, Shoota.
I just pointed this out to husband. I love it when the moon and Venus are so close. The crescent looks particularly sharp. Beautiful. Thankfully I can see them from my armchair.
Voyeurs, the lot of you...
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You can see Mercury too, it's just below the crescent of the Moon.


Tilly, how far below? I can see the crescent, but I’ll have to move the comfy mog off my lap to look closer.
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Clover, Mercury has set now. I read that bit on Earth Sky and have just been to have a look. I'll try again tomorrow, if it's clear.
Might have to revisit my local off-license in Stoke, solely to view this phenomona Tills. (need some excuse to go outside)..
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Don't bother if it's cloudy, Nails.
I've just stood and looked at the crisp clear sky with moon and venus so sharp they could pierce right through our very being! Spectacular indeed Tilly.
Nothing is 'cloudy' these days.
Official weatherspeakers say 'clardy'
Drives me bananas...
Yes, it's lovely.
Not sure why. Just makes me appreciate the relationship between us and the nearby heavenly bodies. Thank goodness it's nothing to do with God's current tantrum, or His current good mood.

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If It's A Clear Night Where You Are...

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