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Dancing On Ice

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poorclare | 19:33 Sun 01st Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
How could that girl get 2 10 she could hardly stay upright


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Just turned on and wat hed Perris second skate. Wow! Now that score was earned !
That girl? You mean the blind athlete, Libby Clegg? The Paralympic sprinter who has represented Scotland and GB winning silver?
The one who, despite being unable to see has learned to skate and skate brilliantly with her partner and follow the routine by listening to the scrapes, clicks, foot placements and taps of his skates on the ice? Who has, as well as skate, to memorise the number of strides it takes to reach the barrier to avoid crashing into it?

That the girl you mean, poorclare?
To be fair gness, poorclare didn't know she was disabled, as she stated, and yes she has done very well indeed, but the marks didn't reflect her skating ability, rather they were marks for what she has achieved on the show imo.
I agree with hereIam at 19.07. Ray Quinn did split jumps, spins etc. Perri's good, but not as good.
I don't think anyone will ever be as good as Ray Quinn, he was fearless on the ice !

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