6dsomehow , in an endless trust, this one can make a claim(8)?n?u?a?t 27a in the name of god, was this the pick st patrick left us with the old sod (8)s?a?r?i?
19d an upper cut for the farmer, who must cut his crops to prosper(8)????a?o? 17d arnie orsly , for such a ladies dish,or even popeye after he finishes his spinach(9)?????e?i? 12a ... while leading... ...
3d dirty free(1,4)a,??u? 5d cant see the wood from the trees that lie like thisin Amazonian forests(9)?????e?e? 23d six pack carrier(6)p????? 28a given the mood , its the essence..(10)?m????????
Is anyone else having trouble submitting the four answers to today's Herculis in the Telegraph? Just won't let me type in the four answers. Or is it just me?
Good morning, can anyone enlighten us about the L/O clash of the following in Doc’s recent offering? What must we do now? Thanks for any suggestions! 13a Scottish bird sports new supporting... ...
3a. Here, one is very happy to upset Con with a noisy nonet. (2,5,4) o? ?l??d ?i?e 16a. It gets on swimmingly in the Amazon? Deadly! (7) ?i????a 17d. One whose lifestyle demands no coverage!... ...
Curious about 8d.Second year student in theological college missing second half. Clearly semi but can't find any reference to it. Seminary missing back half. So is semi a second year student?