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Bobbisox1 | 16:13 Thu 05th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

What on Earth is wrong with people, this is just lunacy !


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A family member gets 200 paracetamol on prescription for just that reason...they need it on a daily basis and would be backwards and forwards to the pharmacy every day if they had to buy it due to the restrictions.
For people like that who need it, then it will be prescribed.
^^^ Pharmacists are allowed to sell large quantities of paracetamol, even without a prescription, if you can provide them with a valid reason for doing so. (i.e. the '2 x 16 tablets maximum' rule doesn't apply to sales from pharmacy counters).

When I was due to go in for my prostate op, the nurse told me that I should stock up on both paracetamol and ibuprofen, ensuring that I'd got enough to last me a couple of weeks. I explained that to the pharmacist in Morrison's and he was happy to provide me with several big boxes (each containing 48 tablets) of each.

As it turned out though, I didn't need to take a single painkiller after my op, so I've still got a cupboard full of them!
The paracetamol limit really annoys me.
Everyone suffers being limited to help prevent suicide.
I’m sure if someone was serious they would find a bridge to jump off.
What next ?
Knock all the bridges down.
Chris. This was the pharmacy in the medical centre in our little market town. They know me well, but the pharmacist wouldn't let my husband have more than one box. I buy 3 boxes of 32 regularly from them. Our doctors are really strict about not putting paracetamol on prescription and I can see why. However, I imagine in my situation now they will do.
I certainly hope that you'll still be able to get your tablets, Apc2604, but it does occur to me that a prescription isn't going to help much if the pharmacy has actually sold out of all its stock!
I think it has the stock. Just limiting now because of the virus. However, saw on the News this morning that the UK is running short of drugs because China makes most of them and 70% of the world's Paracetamol. I am not allowed some painkillers because of my condition and react badly to strong painkillers. Cannot take opiates or opioids or NISADs.
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Total sickening, my friend took her granddaughter to their GP for the little girls asthma inhaler, the receptionist told her that the two hand gels that were always present at reception had today been....STOLEN !!!
Down to our last spare loo roll today so went to get some more. Managed to get last pack. Good job sanitiser wasn't on my list as the shelves were bare. I've got two small bottles, 1 in handbag and 1 in car. Hope they don't go off as I've had them ages.
Bobbi that is terrible. What is wrong with people?

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