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Guardian Genius 201

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LeenaH | 01:04 Mon 09th Mar 2020 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Please give me hints for 2d and 3d.
2d I have
Does it end in a number?
3d I have
Thanks a lot
Thanks also for earlier answer



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3d Briefly stop bird filmed on island — try ringing it (4,3)
In Victor Borge’s Inflationary Language ‘four’ and ‘for’,
for example, became ‘five’. Eight solutions here contain
numbers (or homophones of numbers), which need to be
treated in the same way before entry in the grid; the wordplay in their clues is also ‘post-inflationary’.
3d Def. is 'briefly stop'
3 letter word for the name of a bird in a film + abb. for 'island', all inside a synonym for 'try'
Is it worth giving the clues so those without the paper can try to help to using Mamyalynne's added instructions

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Guardian Genius 201

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