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Pub Lunch

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jennyjoan | 16:22 Thu 12th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Since I was in town this morning I would have liked a pub lunch in a newly-refurbished pub. But thought it funny going in on my own.

Do any of you ladies go to lunch on your own.


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I would definitely go alone to a village pub to eat or have a coffee. which is the hub of a community and where they know me well, but not to other pubs. I have given up alcohol - not that I ever drank much after my teens and twenties. I would also go alone to a cafe, but not a restaurant.
Yes, if I'm out and about and need a meal, I'll go in anywhere on my own be it a pub, cafe or tea room.
I would have done when younger. I would go anywhere on my own with confidence.
Yes in any place that I fancy. I usually take a book or crossword with me. Same if I fancy an evening meal out, especially if I am away from home.
i do quite often, at least not lately as the weather
has been so bad...i find it ok.

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