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Holiday Cancelled By Travel Company

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BAKERS DOZEN | 22:12 Mon 16th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Will give full refund within 7 days so can't really complain. Got another one booked for September so will just have to wait and see.


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quite likely the airline's in trouble and cancelled its flights or the destination won't let you in or a resort is in lockdown.Your'e lucky to get a refund; those who've booked elements of a holiday separately may not get one.
Sorry to hear that but pleased you got a refund. I think you were heading to France which is now in lockdown so you are probably more comfortably off at home.
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We don't fly. We drive to France and go through Eurotunnel. Will have to find Mr BD some jobs to do with all this spare time he's going to have.
a friend's just returned from Paris - she says police are enforcing queues outside shops (the French queuing!) and keeping everyone at least a metre apart. Now she's back in London she's surprised how sloppy arrangements are here.
Pays not to cancel and hang on as long as you can it seems. My friend and I decided to cancel this in the morning, glad to waited. Not sure whether we'll get our money back or be offered a date sometime in the future.

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Last week Grandson flew from Montpelier to Paris then Paris to Manchester and nobody was checked at any of the three airports. All seems very random to me.

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Holiday Cancelled By Travel Company

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