I was at Uni with him - he graduated the same day as I did. Originally he was a very left-wing socialist and then switched to socialism when Thatcher came up to the Uni when she was M. of Education and pushed Michael Forsyth into action to boot out the left wing on the Uni parliament - they had voted 9-1 for coming out of EEC for the first referendum and polling in the students showed that they wanted to stay in at 7-1. Following the overthrow in the parliament and towards what one would describe as more centrist, I was part of a coup in the Union that booted out the NUS. It was after this revolution that Salmond made the switch, so I guess we have Maggie to blame for his SNP positioning - as to being some form of beast, if proven guilty, there was no sign of that trait back then.
Just one reminder, Scotland has 3 verdicts to call on - in the obvious two and then 'Not Proven' - it could go that way.