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How To Feel Normal.

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SparklyKid | 16:00 Wed 18th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Forget the big supermarkets and the chaos there. Just popped to Knott End, two co-ops and a spar shop.
Very quiet, no panic buying.

Bought a carrot cake and tin of spaghetti.


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Didn't they have anything healthy?
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They certainly did, 20 fags and a bottle of rum.
Fags and rum....and tinned spaghetti...classy.
I agree. I went to our farm shop and a couple of little village shops yesterday. Such a pleasure!
I work in our local shop and it’s been manic. I’ve not been there long but you can see a big difference with some people clearly doing their weekly shop or frantically hitting all the little shops looking for toilet roll, paracetamol and pasta (all rationed).
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Absolutely classy ummmmmmm. Living the dream.
I suppose it's no worse than egg and chips.
I love egg n chips me
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Hi Bobbs. egg and chips, yummy.
We shopped in the local Co-op this morning. Only the toilet paper shelf was empty.
Yes... I had a result today in finding one can of baked beans at a corner shop, while my asda order had a longer list of "unavailable" than what they actually delivered...
One thing, ladies, they are now out of stock on every brand of tampons and sanitary pads... so, be careful...
I cleaned out all my kitchen cupboards this morning. That's not normal.;-)
Interesting because I went to the Co-op today in the village and it was busy. They had no fruit and just a few odd bits of veg left. Loads of milk though and I got what I needed. Couldnt resist a treat and bought Chocolate biscuits that I absolutely didn't need!
I managed to get all items considered to be "panic prepping" but not with any ease.

Apart from hand sanitizer, but i got that yesterday.
Popped into my corner shop and saw that the bottles of dettol were £8.99!!
I would have just left £5 on the counter and walked out. The cheek!
Did my usual weekly visit to the farm shop.
Oh my word, he’s been discovered! Quite a small place and it was heaving. Now working 21hr days.
He sells Ecover products. Take your own container and pay for how much you need. One ‘lady’ quite disgusted that he had no hand sanitizer For Funks Sake!
That’s not what I wrote... only used three letters!

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