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One Loaf And One Milk For Each Shopper In Spar.

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SparklyKid | 10:49 Wed 25th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Makes it difficult to shop for elderly neighbours.



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Hi Bobbs, and all. Ferry runs from Knott End to Fleetwood.
It’s difficult for everyone but if shop workers believed the outrageous array of ‘excuses’ from the customers there would be little left for everyone else. I’ve got seven of us living at home, we’re managing - so suck it up and get inventive.
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Just back from roll call to neighbours. One request was " can you water my plants"
My freezer is bulging and I’ve never over bought anything at all that I wouldn’t ordinarily buy, it’s a time to be inventive with cooking ideas now
SK, aren’t you the one that supposed be getting looked after? Lol
It's a pity the supermarkets couldn't have agreed on their rationing. My local Tesco's limit on all items is no more than three, which is quite reasonable and they have increased their in house baking so there's plenty of bread. The last time I visited there was an air of normality.

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One Loaf And One Milk For Each Shopper In Spar.

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