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Anybody Watching Programs On Tv

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pastafreak | 20:39 Wed 25th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
...and wondering "why are they touching?"..."stand 2 metres apart fgs!!"..."why are those restaurants full of people?"...and on and on.
I've been catching myself thinking this way...its too weird.


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Yes... it all looks very dangerous now. Can't wait for everything to get back to normal. I think it will take us some time to adjust back to that as well.
Nope can't say that I have, however I always notice when someone is smoking in a public building.
I really miss 'shoulder bump and back slap' moments.

Must be all those years in the hood.
I quite like queueing 6 feet apart. Not very efficient spacewise, but otherwise much better :-)
I certainly have found it weird Pastafreak! It just goes to show how quickly we adjust to situations. I found myself feeling really quite anxious for people whi were too close together on TV programmes, in bars, on a coach, and greeting each other with a hug.
Ahhh it's not just me :-)
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Me too.
Seen Any & Dec earlier on tv, advertising something. They couldn't sit any closer if they tried!

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Anybody Watching Programs On Tv

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