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Me And Oh Took The Dog Out Today For Our 1 Hr Of Excercise

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Bobbisox1 | 21:29 Wed 25th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
And noticed the few that were about , mostly dog walkers or pram pushers, smiled ,waved and said hello, why has it to take something like a virus to make people so friendly? It was very uplifting to see


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She's cute...and looks so tiny.
It's exactly like that here Pixie, all the dog walkers talk to each other. And once when my last one was at the vets they all asked where he was. And when he died they were so comforting.
If a new person comes into the park with a dog we soon get to know them and want to know how old the dog is, is it a rescue, how long have had it and what's its name LOL. Nobody takes offence.
It is you, Bobbi. She feels your stress.
Is she wanting to attack or play, bobbi? Two of mine, the cocker especially, just constantly want to play with other dogs. And cockers are boisterous and mouthy when they play... they can look quite fierce.
The best thing my vet ever said to me after finishing the vaccinations of one or another of mine, was - now take them out to meet as many dogs as possible. I did exactly that, and they are all, brilliant with other dogs, also coming back as soon as I say their names, if the other dog seems unsure. Is she young still?
Yes lb :-) dog people understand each other lol
Yes Tilly's right. If she does it with only you, she's picking up on your stress Bobbi.
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She has separation issues too ( probably me as well)
The histo is
My daughter had breast cancer 5 years ago and to shield my grandson from the horrors of chemotherapy and all that goes with the C word, they bought him a little black bundle of fluff, now ordinarily I’d have said Why have you bought a dog when you both work full time?
but it was a traumatic time for all of us,anyway being a puppy ,she cried the first few nights, my grandson was 11 at the time and quite upset ,phoned me with Grandma please can Lola stay at yours for a few nights,
That was 5 years past February, Would day I part with her?He’ll No, she’s brought so much love to us
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// would I ///
bloody hell pix i used to live in HW and i found it the most unfriendly place id ever lived
Awww... I hope your daughter is well now x I think it's just practice and confidence for both of you x
Everyone hates that place, bednobs :-) it's a dump x
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Yes she’s well and got her letter saying so ( yearly mammogram)
Thank you x
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She is very small for a Cockapoo Pasta, she was sired from a toy poodle
Glad to hear it :-) x
i thought that wa where you were?
She does look like a teeny tiny toy ;)
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She’s a bit bigger than that haha
I'm not, bednobs. But I know it well. Great for rock pubs, ok for shopping, would never live there x
Still teeny tiny compared to my new boy, Bobbi;)
Same here, met no-one apart from dog-walkers. Occupied different sides of the lane and chatted, all per usual. Sadly our little Tyke (well named) is a very mongrel terrier and a French rescue-dog - he's still bi-lingual - and obviously had a somewhat hard start in life because his first instinct is to attack any other dog. :( Now there are quite a few dogs that we meet regularly with whom he is comfortable. Lovely that none of this has changed; except a bit of distancing.

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