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Private Hospitals

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tiggerblue10 | 22:11 Fri 27th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Are private hospitals also being used to treat patients with the virus? If not, should/could they be?


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I think I heard somewhere that some where offering beds.
I think they are taking on most of the cancer treatments
they have been 'seconded' in already....down here, given a 25% death rate of cases at Treliske Hospital versus the 20 cases declared, then send me to the military hospital at Culdrose Navy base if I go down.....
Frankie's Vet has cancelled all non essential operations so that Oxygen cylinders and other such things can be released to help the NHS.

I thought about the private hospitals earlier, they might have problems finding staff with the right experience.

Has Mini-Tiggs gone stir-crazy yet?

I got sent to a private hospital for a minor NHS op a couple of years ago, so in principle there's nothing new in it. Got a lovely big sunny room all to myself, too.
7 deaths in 50 cases - mortality ration 14%

If you are ventilated the death ratio is 15% in London
where's the best place to be, PP?

Asking for a friend.

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Private Hospitals

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