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Virus Stats

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allenlondon | 14:16 Tue 24th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Anyone come across any official stats breaking down Virus deaths by age etc? Specifically UK, but the Italian and Spanish would also be interesting.


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Thanks Sharon. Not quite what I’m after, but interesting.

I was looking for a breakdown of (say) UK deaths, how many over 70, how many 30-50 year olds, that sort of thing.

Because the stats are changing all the time, Allen, I don't think you'll get a definitive bunch of stats. From what we have read and heard, the majority of deaths have been suffered by those elderly and with underlying medical conditions. However, there have been a few exceptions, notably a young 16 year old French girl who had no pre-existing medical complaints and apparently was only suffering from a mild cough.
people of all ages die mysteriously for no known medical reason, it's too easy to attribute it to covid-19.
....and is nobody dying of flu any more? Thousands die of it every year.
I would like to believe that seasoned medical staff can differentiate between the flu and the coronavirus.

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