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Can’t Sleep....

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Smowball | 04:11 Thu 02nd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Body clock is all over the place at the moment - I barely even know what day it is!! How are we all coping?? My house is spotless, the garden is immaculate - I’ve run out of things to do!!


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How terribly sad Tiggs,is there anyone that you can get to talk to you ?
Feel for you tigg - extra worry for you at this time.
I agree with bobbi and Apc. What can't be cured must be endured. Nothing we can do but get on with it.
At least some people are lucky enough not to live alone. I am disabled and live alone just like apc. I normally can get out shopping etc with a rollator but at the moment I have a lovely volunteer lady who shops for me once a week.
My DIL is a nurse at local hospital where there have already been about a dozen deaths.
Always people worse off that yourself.
Well said Gill
I've tried talking to her Pasta, but she won't listen. My brother has tried as well. She signed up as a volunteer and is doing stuff for that as safely as possible but her behaviour is erratic. She had an argument with my uncle yesterday which she has never done before. She has a history of mental issues and this has tipped her over the edge.
Gill. I actually have a husband so am very lucky. He Is also my carer so I get attendance allowance. I think us older ABers born during just after the war are more resiliant and adapt better to difficult times and circumstances than younger folk. I wish you well x
I wish I could say something that would help Tiggs, I hope someone on here is knowledgable enough to give you some advice on what to do, I hope so x
I've said to her many times that as long as we follow the guidelines and social distancing, going for walks etc., we will be fine. She understands this but for those who have a history of mental illness it must be very hard to come to terms with.
Thanks Bobbi and all xx
I’m sorry to hear this, tiggs. This is, I’m afraid, how the cracks in society will start to manifest. I’ve just been reading about prison governors’ requests to release prisoners early, some who have been convicted of domestic violence.
Thanks, apc, and you. Yes, we are made of sterner stuff!!
At least I have the garden which I love . Spend a lot of time out there when weather permits. Will be glad when it gets a bit warmer.
I’m afraid my ex sister in law is like this too , she doesn’t have a history of mental illness but she did get a letter saying she was high risk, she’s 80, her daughter rang me and asked if I’d ring her as she’s terribly lonely having lost her husband two years ago, we aren’t in close contact ( divorce does this) but I liked her and it was her brother in law I divorced , not her ,
I rang, no answer, so I rang her daughter, she rang, no answer, she rang her sister, same thing, by this time everyone was frantic , this was yesterday ,she’d took herself out for a walk where she lived, her daughter went bat-chit crazy with her for this but it’s hard trying to explain “Look stay in or you’ll be dead” to someone who can’t grasp the severity of the situation xx
Gill. I am grateful for our garden. It was my life and somewhere I could go and lose all sense of time. Unfortunately I can't garden any more so i give instructions to my resident gardener (my hubby)! Its half an acre so just walking round it is quite a good excercise for me! Hubby spends his life out there chopping wood, making compost , etc. I love the fspct that he do that. He hates being indoors!

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