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Has Panic-Buying Stopped?

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diddlydo | 22:43 Fri 03rd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I'd like to know (a) whether it has stopped and (b) whether it's possible to go to a supermarket mid-morning without having to queue for 20-30 minutes and then find a lot of shelves empty? I've given up on the oldies golden hour at 7.30 as it was a pain in the proverbial.


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if you want your dindins
I wd go back the wrinklies hour
Sainsbury’s at 8am, Tuesday and Thursday, just after the NHS half hour.
No queues, full shelves.
I reckon the panic buying has pretty much stopped, and food deliveries are better, so between the two, shops are much better stocked.
Went to Tesco in nearest town mid-morning yesterday and there was no queuing, but in my opinion, though far from crowded, there were too many people in the store - constantly having to do the dance of avoidance. Far better was Waitrose where there was a 'one in one out' policy, which meant a 10 minute wait, but better, quieter experience in the store.
In Tesco's this morning, everything calm and orderly. Most shelves seemed fully stocked including kitchen and toilet roll, I think the no more than three rule has certainly helped, the only small quantity item seemed to be tinned tomatoes.
Oh, and I scored some pasta!
Sainsburys on Wednesday at, very good for us oldies and vulnerable. Have no problem getting stuff.
I haven’t been to a big supermarket for a while, but my local small Co-op was quiet mid-morning. Shelves not totally empty.
My granddaughter shopped for me at Morrisons at about 12 o’clock today. She had to queue for about 45 minutes to get in to the shop. However, she did manage to get everything on my list, including toilet rolls!
My local Tesco and Aldi had the longest queue I've seen since lockdown started. Tesco was the worst, I gave up. Aldi was fully stocked and queued for 15 mins.
Tesco Dorchester this afternoon - 25 minute wait to get in, most stuff available except no dried pasta and no Maltesers and limited painkillers. So much loo roll it was stacked in the aisle.
how are we expected to keep calm and carry on with no malteasers?
I mentioned it as it's a huge deal to me :-)
me too. For me it's the lack of custard cream that makes me wonder how i'm supposed to carryon! I have 2 packets of maltesers and a large pack of maltesers buttons in the cupboard stash, and if things get desperate i will raid my daughter's easter egg stash
Haven't bought a panic for well over a week, now.
Pasta and pasta sauces still seem scarce.

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