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Can Someone Explain To Me Why ?

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Bobbisox1 | 10:01 Mon 06th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Flights are coming in to Heathrow from Madrid ? and many more , why isn’t there a clamp down on these flights? Even if it is business Should they not be isolating too ,


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I asked a similar question the other day. I was told that it was probably Brits coming home.
Some of them will be cargo flights but there are still people travelling back to the UK. Apparently there are no tests being carried out at airports. It’s the biggest hole in our defences and I can’t work out why it’s being allowed to continue.
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Thanks both for your answers, I too ,am at a loss why this is being allowed to continue
the world still turns. could be anything from business to import / export of doctors whatever
easy jet have grounded all flights.

Are the flights commercial do you know?
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The one I tracked looks like a commercial one TD ( Iberia) and if what you say are the reasons , shouldn’t they be tested when landing?
Not if they were tested before taking off.
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Have we any proof of that ^^^
I expect they were tested before flying, and have documentary proof.
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I hope so Tony
i dont think we have to test the aircraft, just the crew and passengers-:)
People stranded abroad can't just be left there. What if they run out of money or if their hotel decides to close?
Would they just let anyone go to the airport and fly right now without knowing they dont have covid?

Definitely not. They wouldn't make it past security.

All im saying is, if passangers are tested whilst departing, there isn't a need for arrival.
//Would they just let anyone go to the airport and fly right now without knowing they dont have covid?
Definitely not. They wouldn't make it past security. //

all the authorities can test for at the airport is an elevated temperature, a test that is easily fooled by taking paracetamol. the test for COVID takes days to get a result - if airlines insist on a test certificate then I wonder who is paying for the tests and the hotel accommodation awaiting the result? there's been no reports of travellers having to fund their own.
As I said originally, I wouldn't have let anyone into the country before it was here, without knowing they were safe. Was told it was impractical and impossible... but I guess, now it is already here, it will spread anyway. Sadly.

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