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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 03:40 Wed 08th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
140 Answers
Wednesday. I wanted to have a look at the super moon, too cloudy :o{ Never mind, I've seen it before I'll see it again.
Hedgehogs still out in the garden, four rootling about just now, the food I put out for them has gone. Tiggy Towers in occupied. All is well in Tiggyland.
I'm hoping to go shopping today, I need to do a fair bit of spending. I've got several offers for transport. I'll see who is genuine.
Have a happy day everyone.


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Good morning, enjoy another beautiful day
Morning everyone. Another warm sunny day out there. Does anyone know how flooded farms and those poor flooded people are getting on? They have got that and this virus to contend with but nothing seems to be making the news.
Morning Soxy and other latecomers.
I dozed off and just woke?
Seems like I missed a few.
Extra crew on the Early Bird. Yippeeee.
Hi back again after a quick needed doze.
Bin day today so busy getting rubbish ready for the farm gate up the lane. Nice out there.
LJ, hows your girl ?
Hi Bobbi. spoke to her yesterday evening and she is still obviously unwell. Lots of coughing and feeling dreadful but she says her temp has gone down but wouldn't say by how much. I can understand her staying in isolation at home as she lives in one of the London hotspots and the local hospital was full when we visited her in early February.
Thanks for asking. I know it's silly but I can't help thinking and worrying.
I know what you’re going through LJ having been there myself , only a mother can empathise what you feel like, helpless , tearful ,scared
She’ll get through it she’s being very sensible, take care xxx
Sorry to hear that LJ, worrying for you.
Morning all, lovely day and feeling very chipper.

I wish a speedy recovery to all those not feeling well.

Will shortly do my one mile to village. I will probably only see one or two people which does make me count my blessings.

I know there are thousands who will find it difficult, if not impossible, to self isolate.

The paper will be full of doom and gloom ,so I shall skip to the crossword.

My point of view is quite simplistic. You will either get infected or you wont. If you get infected you will most likely recover.

That sounds harsh and I sincerely mean no disrespect to the many who have lost loved ones.

Stay safe, stay in (whenever possible) and stay positive.
Thanks Bobbi and Tland and Sparkly. I know she is doing her best to recover but the thought of her going back to work is quite a concern. She is considered an essential worker and comes into contact with general public all the time. As we all know some of these are not heeding the guidelines. So very selfish of them.

Enough of this I must be cheerful. Think I'll go and put the rubbish out. I know how to live.
This thread should be the GO TO thread throughout the day for chat and opinions.
23 minutes , job done. I wish it was as easy for everyone.

Off licence empty, bottle of cider and a small warburtons toastie loaf.

Two in spar, got a paper, TV mag and a bottle of wine, also, three onions, needed for corned beef hash later.
During the time out I put the rubbish out.

Just showing off now.
Morning Sparkly got some corn beef might do the same tomorrow.
Hi Tony, to go with your cornflakes ?
I’m ok today guys! But I did ring doctor and she said to still self isolate(which I am), paracetamol, fluids and rest.....
Feeling any better Smow?
Much better Thankyou. Think it was just one of those 24 hour things x
"The Early Bird turns into the wind, bobbing along choppy waters, headed for a safe harbour to pick up more crew.
So much work left to do.
Splicing the yardarm, furling the binnacle, scrubbing the decks and hoisting the scuppers.
Sign on for the next voyage, everyone loves a sailor :-)

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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