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Good Morning From Sunny Blackpool.

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SparklyKid | 09:27 Mon 13th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Six miles inland actually. Just back from village, essentials purchased, only me out there.

My wife wrote a novel about thirty years ago but never got round to looking to publish. Every day she reads out four to five pages to me and our neighbours ( twenty feet away).

It is very good and gives us something to look forward to.

Might edit my Morrisons shopping slot, due Sunday. A gross of toilet rolls and twenty gallons of rum.

Keep safe and remember, when you awaken and your elbows don't touch wood you are fine.

Very quiet outside , can't even hear any birds, mabe my deaf aid will help.


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My partner says that to me. Can't remember who was looking for Kestrel pic, but here is one.

Very cold over the Pennines from you Sparklykid, in fact snow could be on the horizon for us ,it’ll give me something different to watch out my windows if it does, ironing this morning and another few pages of the novel I’m writing later
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Hi Bobbs and Tony. You ladies are very clever, you too Tony,lol.
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What's your novel about Bobbs ? The missus is about mill live in the 40's. Yes, there is some sex in it,lol.
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Should be mill life.
Morning Sparkly....Lovely and sunny here in N.Wales too. Bit cold though with a wind blowing. Find a sunny spot in the back garden and watch "She who must be obeyed" dig the garden. (^_*) You can usually hear the A55 on a Bank Holiday Monday and the plod chopper is usually overhead for hours at a time. Not a murmur this morning. Proper weird. I gave up the fags back in October, I enjoyed a smoke, and woke up this morning feeling like I could eat one. Haha. Never mind.
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Hi Togo, ah yes the A55. My first wife had relatives in Rhyl, we used to travel that Mway.

This was when the river Clwyd separated Mold from Flintshire.

The pubs on Sunday only opened on one side, happy days.
Just been reading the EU chief wants us wrinklys to isolate for a year, I haven’t time for this ,too much to do ,so pleased Boris led us away from those Cretins !
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Me too Bobbs, I am so very happy he is on the mend.
Oh it's not just the one from Crete suggesting it Bobbi. :-)
Mines called a Life in the BIG HOOSE Sparklykid , roughly based on characters I know but now up to time of War for Britain ( September 3rd 1939)
My friends names are their real names which they’re happy to accept, others I’ve ‘put’ in are people who aren’t friends but they’re not nice people , obviously no real names here :0))
Hi Douglas, love your humour :0)
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The missus book is "Of Sound Mind"

It apparently culminates in a will and family sqabbles.

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Good Morning From Sunny Blackpool.

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