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Say Thanks To Your Postie!

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Caran | 00:04 Tue 21st Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Put a thumbs up picture on your front door.


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I shout through the door, he laughs.
Young man!
I'm still waiting for a delivery that was posted by 'Royal Mail 48' last Wednesday. Should I put a picture of a two-fingered salute on my front door, do you think?

(Only joking. I usually shout a 'Thank you' out to the post lady when she delivers stuff anyway)
I have a plague box under the kitchen window. Mark pops the post into that and we grin, jump up and down and wave to him as if he is the only other human being we see all day........ he is...... :-(
Mine handed it to me just now...he was a different guy. I promptly sprayed anti bac all over, and washed my hands.
I said thank you...
Why? All mine has brought me over the last few weeks are bills and junk mail. I'll thank him when he delivers something that I benefit from :-)
our postie is good but we also get a lot of Amazon etc deliveries that are actually for flats upstairs; only they can't be bothered to check the right bell. I have no wish to give them the idea that they're doing a good job.
I have a thumbs up on my front door.
I have always said Thank You and at Easter left Easter Eggs
as I do every year and at other times I give KitKat/Rolo.
Thankfully no Junk mail now but sadly the Bills still arrive.
Hope you are all keeping well.
//I shout through the door, he laughs//
mine's like speedy gonzales, he's down the road by the time i'm out of my chair ...
Oh yeah, and mine always (that's ALWAYS) leaves my gate open. Can I borrow your two fingered salute idea, Chris?
No way, the postal delivery round here is rubbish. Haven't seen a postie in weeks and I can't get through to Royal Mail to find out what on earth is going on! Left hanging on the 'phone for 40 minutes the first time I rang and 30 minutes the second time.
My Stevie must be self isolating right now, we have various posties all doing a fantastic job though
Said thank you to mine when she delivered a parcel this morning. She is brilliant, lives round the corner in the village. Has often taken a parcel home with her when we are out, left a note and we just pop round.

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