How's everybody coping with their hair, in these lock down days? I have not been to a hairdressers since last November and, thankfully, my hair is now long enough to tie back and up so it's not driving me to distraction.
I've had a little snip at my hair just to keep it out of my eyes at the front but otherwise leaving it to do its own thing. I dont dye it so no concerns there and it seems to be enjoying a break from products and blow drying while I just wash and leave it.
Don’t colour..... seems like Pasta and I are similar. But I’d give anything for a good cut and blow dry. My hair grows quickly and the layers are wandering off in all directions. I have fished out the heated rollers and succeeded to make myself look even wilder.
Thanks Clover, she is wonderful. I believe quite a few hairdressers are offering to do it in my area (The Wirral). Now I just need my nails done, maybe nail salons can use a screen (like the ones at supermarket checkouts) with a letterbox hole in the bottom : -)
I'd been doing my own for a few months she this started just use clippers all over on the longest setting with the biggest attachment. The last of the dye bit the floor before Christmas, I love it
I'm secretly liking letting the old barnet grow, I have the same short cut all the time these days but in the past I have gone a bit hippy but the current Mrs TTT hates long hair on a bloke. Under the lockdown I can get away with letting it grow for a bit but eventually she'll take matters into her own hands!
There is not much of it now, so I have a Number Three, but it hasn't been done for about six weeks, so it's curling all over the place.
Everyone says it makes me look younger, but I don't like it, and I will be in the barber's chair first on the day they re-open to get it all hacked off.
Andy, if you have a No3 at the barbers, why not just buy a set of trimmers and do your own - only takes about 15 mins and then get Mrs AH to just trim your neckline with your razor. It's easy, I've been doing my own for about 15 years now - saved a fortune.