Just a thought: Earlier this year I bought, and travelled a long distance to collect, recycled wood of a particular species and age cut to my sizes from a firm near Leeds called Machell's. They insisted on my quoting all dimensions in imperial board by board (not too difficult if you are forced to convert the normal/easier metric) while they quoted the price per cubic foot. Out of sheer laziness really (it is a real pain and using a calculator takes maybe many times longer than metric), I never actually converted everything to imperial volume until after the transaction was completed (it looked odd to me). When I queried it, giving all the figures, I was told: Sure, you were in truth overcharged by more than 75%, but tough because it is now too late. The wood is (mostly) fine and something I found very difficult to locate, but it seems to me morally wrong (and inexcusable) to betray trust - but then I am like that. The aftertaste was more objectionable than the chunk of money going down the drain.