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Hove Yesterday,

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Bobbisox1 | 09:22 Sat 25th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
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Social distancing obv not happening there


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//…are we in the midst of a pandemic or is it a bad dream ???//

Yes, you are dreaming.

Upwards of 60 passenger flights a day are arriving at Heathrow (and no doubt there are some at other airports too). Some of the passengers are UK residents returning home. Many are not. Some are people who normally live in places such as Iraq, Iran and China. Many of them are here to visit people. One chap was interviewed by a journalist and declared he was a carpet salesman from Tehran here to sell carpets and after he had concluded his business here he was moving on to Sweden. Meanwhile Carpetright along with all the other carpet stores in the UK is closed and I cannot buy a carpet. I should obviously have contacted our Iranian friend as he disembarked at Heathrow. A friend of mine returned home from Europe last week to Heathrow. Neither he nor anybody else was questioned about their point of origin; nobody was asked why they had come to the UK, where they had come from, where they intended staying or what they were going to do when they got here. Meanwhile I cannot visit my sister-in-law who lives two miles down the road. Along the South coast more than 800 people (that we know of) have arrived this year in rubber boats, conveniently towed into a safe haven by either the RNLI or the “Border Farce” (sic). They have mainly come from living in extremely insanitary conditions in Northern France. Some were tested for the virus (a test not available at the time for health professionals). Those who were not were not held in quarantine but released into the “care” of the immigration authorities (loosely translated as “sent on their way”). Meanwhile I cannot head down to the coast for a paddle.

Now, as noticed, people are beginning to go out. They will do so in increasing numbers, especially if they take the trouble to learn about some of the above. By the end of May if the lockdown has not been officially ended or at the very least some restrictions are lifted, it will simply fade away

I have made my views on the efficacy of the so-called lockdown known on other threads. We are told that things would have been much worse without it. If that’s the case they would have been much better if it had been properly enforced and if we hadn’t allowed many hundreds of people to arrive in the UK from the rest of the world only to allow them to drift off into the sunset. You cannot expect people who live here to remain indoors when people who don't are allowed free rein.
So it just goes to show Boris and his government have made a right pigs ear of the whole situation, what I've been trying to say for some weeks now. thanks nj
NJ. Just out of curiosity, have you contacted your MP about this and if so what was the answer?
I don’t understand some of the apathy re “lockdown”. We are in week 6. Never any panic buying. All beaches, parks, gyms, shops etc. closed. School will restart in September. All state schools have good programmes set up. No flights in to Faro most days. Next weekend no travel outside your home area from Thursday to Monday pm as May holiday. The infection and death rate is low. There will be a government meeting after the holiday to discuss some shop and crèche openings.
//NJ. Just out of curiosity, have you contacted your MP about this...//

About what? What can I tell my MP about that he's not already aware of?

//The infection and death rate is low.//

Is it? Nobody knows what the infection rate is because nobody knows how many people are infected. Only those hospitalised cases are counted. As far as they are concerned, new cases have averaged a few either side of 5,000 since about 11th April and remain stubbornly in that area. Daily deaths today exceeded 800 - the ninth time this has happened since 1st April. I don't call 5,000 new serious cases and >800 deaths per day "low". Still, it would have been far worse without the lockdown - so I'm led to believe.
Sorry I asked.
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LB , I’m sorry you asked too , pmsl
21.49 Take no notice, he's one of many on here that know it all, and your view or opinion don't count.
:-)). xx
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I like NJ, he talks sense whether I agree with him or not , in this instant, I don’t but hey ho
You asked if I have told my MP about this. What have I to tell my MP about?

I don't know it all. I know very little. But I do know how to read numbers.
Read the number on that house down the road from you then, you know the one you said was dealing drugs the other week, tell your MP.
Smurf, as has been mentioned on another thread, how do we know those are recent pictures? They could have been from any time.
Reliable info from your local resident .. Hove was busy,busy today (saturday) and Bognor was incredibly quiet.
My neighbour goes to Hove most days to see to her elderly parents and a bunch of their neighbours. A friend told me Bognor was extra quiet this morning !
It has been roasting hot here for well over a week now.. we had 102 degrees in the polytunnel today .. proper sunburn weather !
Lots of people along the beaches .. my guess is they are safe from prosecution and unlikely to see a Police officer. It has been about 4 or 5 weeks since I seen a Police car and at least three years since I seen a copper on the beat !
//Read the number on that house down the road from you then, you know the one you said was dealing drugs the other week, tell your MP.//

Sorry. I thought I was to tell my MP about something I'd mentioned on this thread. I said what I had done about the drug dealer when the question was raised. The last person I would tell would be my MP as he does not enforce the law (neither do the police in many instances but that's another story).
Well if the police don't act then you mp is next in line.
That's not what MPs are for.

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