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The Clock Tower

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DTCwordfan | 14:45 Sat 25th Apr 2020 | Arts & Literature
45 Answers
Just about there.....

Now it's looking rather Bram Stoker-ish, the old house behind, sad that it is empty and rather decaying. Think that the clock was a Victorian folly based off some involvement with Malacca in Malaysia, given the pagoda nature of the roof. The clock does work, apparently, when someone winds it up....whether it chimes, I don't know.


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DTC, your work reminds me of the woodblock prints in my 3 volume set of "British Battles On Land And Sea" published around 1870. The detail and realism is fantastic. Now, I do have to ask, what made you choose 4:15 as the time shown on the clock?...That little point sort of intrigues me for some reason.
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The clock isn't wound up at the moment and that's where the handles always are.....!
that is incredible,
Reminds me of Puckoon by Spike Milligan.
He starts and stops work by the church clock ... Which is broken.
//The clock isn't wound up at the moment and that's where the handles always are.....!//
at least it's right twice a day
brilliant work dtc

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The Clock Tower

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