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A Spoonful Of Clorox...

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pastafreak | 22:23 Sun 26th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
...makes the medicine go down
A rude parody sent to me by my stateside brother...


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That's definitely one of the better (many) comic responses to POTUS's brilliant ideas, Pasta, so let's try to embed it for you:

Very good that, pasta.

I heard today that Trump suggested that because weight lifters can't use the gyms anymore due to the lock down that they should inject their selves with Mr Muscle.
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Thank you Chris x
Lol! Tony ;))
saw Drs ~Oz and Phil's back-tracking on Fox earlier today, pair of winkers.
Dr Birz (?) interview was worthy of a politician, never answered a question.

A very good parody, ~Pasta, thanks xx

How is your brother? He's in NY state isn't he?
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My brother is fine, alba. He'll be 84 in July...and he still has a sense of humour. Unlike some his age...;)
Thanks for asking. x
Good to hear x

I've sent that parody to my mate in Iowa :-)
Question Author
I hope your mate in Iowa has a sense of humour...;)
he has, and is wonderfully sarcastic with the driest sense of humour :-)
My other one is a rabid anti-Trumper, lives in Utah, moved from Wisconsin. I preferred her when she was in Wis. :-)))))
It's even less funny than when it was posted earlier.
'Twas funny then, still funny now.

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