Also,DD,both Corbyn and McDonnell were apologists for the IRA terrorists.During the war the IRA were allied to the Nazis,in fact one of the last radio stations in Berlin at the end of the war was controlled by the IRA.IRA/Nazis....need i say more?
I'd say to go easy on EDDIE. Holocaust denial is such an absurd concept that, without having come across the details (brilliantly summarised earlier), it would be logical to put it down to a few nutjobs who are floating around the periphery of society. I didn't know there was a link to the Quran but if it does stem from one person insulting another's invented deity in a centuries old storybook then it's even more mad.
people should read the koran and see for themselves.. some says it's all about's not, but how many muslims actually hate jews
is any ones guess, but id imagine there's a lot.