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Did they have a wee lean to?
only grandpaw and paw had a wee lean. Usually on a Friday night after the bools :-)))

Sorry Douglas, should've cleaned me specs xx
They did Bobbi, usually after a wee deoch-an-doris, one for the road.
Question Author
You’ve just transported me back 65 yrs, sighhhhh , lol
How old is Wullie now?
the wee guy is still 10 and aging well (not fair)

born in 1937 Bobbi, bless him
Still just a bairn, ask Fat Boab and Soapy.
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Blimey 83 and still sitting on an upturned bucket?
By the way I missed a Joe Broon oot
PC Murdock is an aber !,!
Fat boab got band fae Ab ages ago
Oh and plural of haggis is haggi
yes I am an expert
When is open season on the haggis?
When the first few hagglings have lost their golden scales and developed adult covering then fill your boots, Theland.
Do they make good pets?
Those bred for it yes, wild ones are difficult to exercise because of the leg thing and they can give you a nasty suck.

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Shy Nessie ?

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