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I Miss Talbot..

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Spicerack | 04:45 Sat 02nd May 2020 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
I was reading some of his old threads, funny and clever.
Of course, I miss other posters as well but Talbot left of his own volition.
Anyone else wish he'd come back? (if he's allowed)


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Gosh I nearly mentioned him yesterday as he was at the top of related threads on something or other. I have always missed him massively. If he's back I hadn't noticed. He was always unmistakable in a few previous names. I'd be thrilled if he was back but miffed that he hadn't given me a clue as I think he knew I was a major fan.
06:35 Sat 02nd May 2020
Ha ha, I knew it was you, you sparky git.
JTH //You called.......? :o) //

Someone got you on speed dial?
No, I read it on here....
You always were best at spotting the returnees. I have picked up on a couple, been told a couple more, but apart from that a long way from a full list.
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I feel right embarrassed now. I wouldn't have posted this *** had I known he was on here.
Yes what a turn up eh :-) I'm so glad you did, made my day (sad I know) :-)
It's quite amusing when people bemoan the absence of an ABer when that person is hiding in plain sight, isn't it Spicerack? ;o)

You are not alone spicey. I made the same error a while back and then I realised. :-(
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The thing is Jack, not everyone who gets banned deserves it.
My mate made the mistake of e-mailing the ED and telling him to sort out the rotten moderation on this site (wink)

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I Miss Talbot..

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