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Good Morning To The Morning Folk Who Don't Waken In The Dark.

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SparklyKid | 09:00 Mon 04th May 2020 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
lovely day again .What now, brew then garden.

Village very quiet, got a pizza half price. Nobody about, just me.

Keep safe and remember , if someone asks " Does this outfit make me look fat "

Always reply, "No, your fat makes you look fat"


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Death wish alert....
Haha, ya mad you are, showers forecast here, might iron, might not , decisions, decisions
Ha! Good one.
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Avatar Image rowanwitch

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Death wish alert....

09:02 Mon 04th May 2020

Could you explain please,lol.
Do you go out shopping everyday?

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Good Morning To The Morning Folk Who Don't Waken In The Dark.

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