A relative of mine was woke up by 3 men burgling his house. He had 3 young children and he was scared for their safety and his life. But that didn't stop him from sneaking downstairs and surprising them by attacking them in the dark (fists and feet only) . All three of them needed stretchers.
He was fined guilty and charged with GBH and had to pay compensation and costs.
Some time later he decided he was going to emigrate to Oz. He was ideal candidate with his young family , plenty of money and a number of trades to offer.
He went through the application process and was turned down because of his record for having defended his family to unknown intruders. He was devastated at being rejected, because as a rule, whatever he says he is going to do, he does.
The a Australians don't take anyone they don't want and answer to no one ... it's a really pity we can't do the same in the UK
Good luck ... everyone deserves a second chance ..!