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PotatoSky | 10:59 Thu 14th May 2020 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
what do you guys think about dating a famous celebrities?


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Not for me. I would have to boil wash my vest.
Not my scene.
Well......they can ask......
I usually turn them down
I couldn't be bothered to feed someone's inflated ego.
Last time I took a famous celeb for a meal, she got so fed up of people coming over to our table, pen and paper in hand, and asking me for my autograph.
Would depend on how she earned her celebrity and her personality.
:-) @ Ken .
if it was Richard Armitage or Nicole Kidman, I wouldn't chuck them outta bed for eating biscuits
With her indoors permission , I wouldn't mind dating Lorraine Pascale

I don't know if she fits your criteria of a famous celebrity ?
You swing both ways then , bednobs ?
Most of them seem to have tons of plastic, mental issues and would keep lecturing you about their pet causes.
I think if you are single and asked, then if you like the look of someone it shouldn't matter if they are a celebrity. Its not like you are marrying them, at the worst you will get a nice meal and say thanks but no thanks.
"You swing both ways then , bednobs ? "
sadly my swinging days are over

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