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Scottish Sex Ed...

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Spicerack | 15:58 Tue 19th May 2020 | Family & Relationships
44 Answers
Apparently there's a new curriculum which teaches the joys of, amongst other things, pornography and sodomy. To children as young as nine according to some reports (but maybe they are conflating 2 things for shock value)
Isn't this too much?
Can't give a link, they're either pornographic or the BBC who, of course, say it's marvellous stuff while glossing over the details.


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Good grief, just, good grief. Your world and your welcome to it...
18:10 Tue 19th May 2020
I find it strange that most of the posts pro this madness seem to be from women and the ones against are from men.
That's often the way, naomi. Breastfeed in front of a 3 year old and they won't bat an eyelid. In front of a 50 year old man, say, and they might be embarrassed, because they have learned to sexualise breasts by then. It's our own fault.
It's about context, anyway. If I posted photos on here of a naked man and woman, say, it would likely be removed for being inappropriate. But the majority of babies, young children, will have (you would hope) already seen both parents naked at some point.
Education and gratification shouldn't be treated as though they are the same.
I'm not a man. Just saying ....
^^ I don't think that's strange, Mexican

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