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One More On The List Of What Not To Do.

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SparklyKid | 11:25 Wed 20th May 2020 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Open a tin of tuna in oil upside down, oil everywhere.


Must stop accidentaly putting caps lock on !


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so that was a tin of a nut then lol
You'd think when you get as ripe as you SK you'd know how to open a tin the right way up ;)

I've never known someone to open a tin where the side they're opening is facing down
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I thought the can opener was broken.
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Bit weird the tins are not made to open at each end.
What kind of tiny opener do you have. I can't imagine any of my 3 tin openers even being capable of opening the bottom of a tin
Open it the right way up and press the lid in to drain it. Jesus :-)
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Hi bednobs. One of those with 2 handles and a couple of cogged wheels.

It wont open uppy down tins.
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hi pixie, wise after the event,lol.
Lol. Good luck next time... x
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Hammer and chisel in future.
Try a drill?
Don't eat Tuna in oil (or anything else for that matter), problem solved.
Skid, you might want to think about investing in an electric can opener. I love mine and I don't think you can get it to work if the can's not the right way up.

Also great if you have arthritic hands (as I have).
I can't really imagine opening a tin of anything upside down, except maybe in Australia. Do you stand on your head while doing it?
>>> Bit weird the tins are not made to open at each end

If they were, they couldn't be stacked on supermarkey shelves. (The bottom bit is designed to fit into the top of the can below it).
yeah and watch out for the top and edges if you eat out of the tin -
they ' re sharp !

having regularly tried to open the wrong end of things even before I lost some of my sight - alot are NOT symmetrical
so if you cant get the opener on - read label - and um if you cant then it MAY be upside down
or it may not be a tin etc
yeah have you noticed
a pkt of cornflakes is not designed to be opened upside down
but I CAN do it!
and a tin opener is not THAT useful there

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