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Good Luck Doug And Bob

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Canary42 | 19:09 Sat 30th May 2020 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Here's hoping for a successful launch tonight.


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I'm so glad that this technology wasn't available in '86 though. It seemed to rise off the pad very quickly in comparison to oter launches I remember. Is the aim to return the rocket for reuse, I've not really been following the project before my grandaughter was talking about it? They don't look to be 2m apart though. It's landed as I've been typing!
Thought that was pretty amazing.

More amazing is thinking 2 blokes are going to find the ISS in all that space; Still I don't suppose it will matter there is no one to ask for directions.
Dragon separation!
I can't believe the quality of the video from inside the capsule.
And from the outside!
Yeah! Gotta hand it to those cameramen!
Absolutely riveting, stunning pictures & clear sound. Congratulations to everyone involved :-)
Flip nora, I can be quite bravado on certain things...but that is smooth
They are traveĺing at approx 17,000mph .. the same speed as the space station.
Oh, piddle. I missed it. Is there a replay somewhere?
I'm pretty sure the whole footage will be available somewhere, yes.

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Good Luck Doug And Bob

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