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Tummy Problem

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Caran | 01:04 Sat 06th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Yesterday I felt really ill. I had diarrhoea about ten times, felt very shaky, hot and cold. Felt a bit better today, but still had diarrhoea 8'times even though I have eaten very little. Not been anywhere near anyone to get virus, only been out to meet friends last week on their patio. All had separate tables, own food, drink, glasses etc. Any idea what is wrong?


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Have a read of this Caran.
My money would be on a minor case of food poisoning. Your hands probably came into contact with something with some nasty bacteria on it which, in turn, got transferred to your food. It's fairly common.

Get well soon!
Question Author
Thanks Chris.
Best wishes for a very speedy recovery.
your system will soon be empty at that rate. You might feel exhausted for another day or so too but after that you'll feel like eating and drinking a bit at a time. Take it easy. Good luck!
Just one of those bugs that we all seem to get from time to time, even though we can't seem to figure out where from. Get well soon Caran.
Let your body get rid and keep well hydrated, horrid but it will pass.

Not a good choice of words, sorry. x
I was exactly the same yesterday, but I was vomiting as well. Cannot be anything left in my system! Hope you feel better soon x
Drink lots of water. When you start to feel like you might actually be able to keep something down - i.e. you actually feel hungry - have a couple of slices of toasts with light butter. Then, if possible, some chicken soup. Every Yiddish mama is absolutely right about chicken soup!
A horrible feeling.
Good advice from JimF.
Seems like something going round apart from coronavirus.
I was eating lunch a couple of days ago and halfway through my upper stomach felt as if there was a large stone there and started vomiting.
Only white foam - never seen anything like it before. Almost projectile vomiting. Didn't last long and ok now but wary about what I eat.
A course of Imodium would probably help with the symptoms.
margarettom, no, I'd say whatever it is, get it out of the system, don't bottle it up there. The body is trying to expel something that's bad for it

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