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weecalf | 09:59 Wed 10th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
After this government says its safe to open you doors again to have people in your house again when ever that happens will you .I won’t till I’m sure and after the way it’s been handled it will be sometime .So all you good people will have to wait for tea and biscuits . But the out door summer seats may be possible from September onwards .


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Yes I will. The people I will invite, and its not many, will have been sensible, will be sensible.
Yes of course I will. Unlike many, including you, I'm not terrorised into thinking every single person around me is covered in some invisible alien blob that's going to kill me.
that's a shame, I was looking forward to coming round for a cuppa.
The only people not welcome in my house will be ones using the phrases 'social distancing', 'lockdown' and 'test my eyesight'.
Yes, same as Prudie, I'm not a nervous wreck at the thought.
My answer is the same, Woofgang. It would be to see family who have all followed the guidelines throughout the pandemic, as we have. We would all continue to be sensible.
I'm looking forward to it. 4 people in my household have had lockdown birthdays.

Mr Bs birthday on Saturday coming , it’ll me, daughter and son in law and grandson, hopefully in the garden if the weather is okay, I have lots I’d like to do when “ it’s all over” like attending a memorial service for a niece’s funeral i couldn’t go to
I have met with two friends in the garden of one of them. Common sense prevailed and we had a much needed mental boost from each other’s company. Not too much tea as no outside loo :-)
Much the same as Woofie. We rarely have visitors to our house except for close family and a few older friends nearby who we have been seeing anyway during lockdown in our very large garden and at quite a distance. We have only a few of neighbours and none of us have ever dropped round for cuppas thank goodness. But I must admit to looking forward to our regular days out coastwards and meals out in our favourite inns.

Peoples feelings about this will depend on a number of factors I think.
If I was ten years younger and had none of the medical stuff I now have then I have no doubt I would feel completely differently.
As it is, I will continue to be as cautious as I feel comfortable with despite what I may be told I can do by the government.
I think Vagus is right. Common sense will hopefully be applied. There have been very few rules from our government, lots of advice though. Unfortunately some appear not to have much common sense.
I shall have as many visitors as I had before, and during, all this virus issue.
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Fine good luck but not for me . I’ve listened to up date lies ,avoiding questions and so .Am I gonna suddenly be a believer nah don’t think so somehow . If Boris want to come up and have a chat I will be telling him the same thing .
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In the garden after September of course
A friend came round today, he came in and sat at the table. We did keep a little distance.
Did you practise safe sex

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