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What’s To Come?

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david small | 19:55 Thu 11th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
It’s been a funny old year so far. I can’t help but wonder what’s to come.


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I agree with the suggestion we should just put Christmas trees up now and call it a year...
Trump loses the election and throws his toys out of the pram by pressing the red button. (And not the BBC one)
What’s next?

Gavin and Stacey is in the crosshairs now for being racist, fatist and sexist (no, me neither).

If the tiny vocal minority manage to get this superb work pulled and never to be seen again, they will have gone too far.
To be honest DD, most of the tweets seem to be from people who just don't like the show.

I wonder how much of this is Corden hate?
The Egyptian pyramids are going to be pulled down because they were built 5,000 years ago by slave labour.
The last few presidents of the USA have spouted, '' Peace A and Security.''
There will be neither, plus a worldwide long !adding recession, and a lot of civil unrest.
That's for starters.
The pyramids weren't built by slave labour.
How do you know jim?
Was you around 5,000 years ago?
"How do you know, Jim?"
I can read.

"Was you around 5,000 years ago?"
I weren't.
And please dont tell me your mummy told you
^^^ LOL @ Bob!
We will never know for sure
I see that jim is trying to correct me in my grandma lol
In the very near future, you will have a statute regarding statues and their status
No one has done a mystic meg

I see the sea ! - is that a second wave - someone is waving - is she drowning? The runes will tell us as Jupiter jumps orbit and does a Boris with venus ....

OK the last bit is Barbara Cartland

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What’s To Come?

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