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Like Something Out Of An Old Black And White Film By Hitchcock

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Bobbisox1 | 10:56 Mon 15th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
A friend took this photo last night when she took soup and sandwiches to some homeless people under the bridge
Fog on the Tyne is all mine, all mine :0(


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Pasta, alls well I can assure you , she’s not a close friend so it’s hardly going to impact on my life , anyway, Steven and me are now FB friends, how nice is that :0)
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Talking of lies...mmmmm, lol
Bobbi, you're not the first person to be taken in. Someone I dated in my late teens played me a tape and told me he was the person singing. It turned out it wasn't his band but a band called The Charlatans (how apt).

I tend to take people at face value too.

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Then you find out Lcg , hope you’re okay with that ankle ?
The wolves are hungry and after their pound of flesh tonight.

Ankle is getting me down, particularly when getting up and down stairs. I still haven't had an appointment for the fracture Clinic so I'll have to chase that tomorrow.
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They sure are haha, not the old pals act it seems :0)
But I can deal with them ,years ago my heart would sink when I was being trolled, now I find it funny :0)

So are you able to work from home ? And what about your beautiful boy? Is he at nursery?
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Yes, I heard that on our local news tonight JD, I must learn more local history
No, I'm actually off sick for 6 weeks now but that will be extended depending on healing and physio.

I've got my aunts funeral on Monday.
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Will you be able to go?

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Like Something Out Of An Old Black And White Film By Hitchcock

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