The shape is orthorhombic, the correct latin name for the shape would be orthorhombus, although in English the adjective always seems to be used. A good way to find more information is to look for "Bravais Lattices". The orthorhombic lattice is one of fourteen Bravais lattices that appear in crystal structures of materials.
Mmm. I'm not sure orthorhombic is better than cuboid. The former means having 3 unequal axes at right angles to each other, A 3d rectangle can have 3 unequal sides but can have two equal sides- eg 5 cm x 4cm x 4cm would be a cuboid. And as a square is a special case of a rectangle I'd say a cube is a special case of a cuboid so a cuboid could have 3 equal sides.
Anyway, we're both too late for a best answer