Daily Mail Golden Cash Numbers For Tuesday 16Th June in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Daily Mail Golden Cash Numbers For Tuesday 16Th June

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MARK1613 | 09:03 Thu 18th Jun 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Does anyone have the numbers my partner has used the paper in the litter tray
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Are you certain you don't need to keep the papers? It seems odd if people can just get the numbers off sites like this and then claim a prize. It is looking that way though.
FF, the small print in the Mail states that you need to retain the papers.Of course if you are playing on line this does not apply.
Hi danny. I recall someone quoted the small print and it was ambiguous- I think it said 'you must keep the paper' but that could've meant just the final one. Someone without the paper posted on here yesterday that they had rung the Mail and was advised that it wasn't necessary to keep the papers.
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You only need your game card . And I have Saturdays Sundays Mondays Wednesdays and todays numbers . But I have got TUES 16th sadly
"used the paper in the litter tray"
Is this the new equivalent of "the dog ate my homework"?
To settle this once and for all.I have contacted the Mail and the information from the competitions editor is that if you are to make a claim you will need the game card and the paper that it came in i.e Saturday's edition.
Did you ask them to make the small print a bit clearer Danny.
so are a lot who ask just buying Saturdays paper ,doesn't seem a fair way .
CAC, No I didn't sorry.
Mally, I agree with you.
Asked the Mail to make the small print less ambiguous reply below
"Thank you for taking time to get in touch with MyMail.

You can just keep the page where the golden number is printed.

I hope the information has been helpful.

If you still need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Kind regards
Still doesnt say one paper or the whole week.
My post at 09.49 The editor was quite clear, but they should make it clear in the paper.

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Daily Mail Golden Cash Numbers For Tuesday 16Th June

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