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Heavens Have Opened ,Stotting Doon

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Bobbisox1 | 17:10 Fri 19th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Sky is black, Sky TV lost signal
Armageddon is here :0(


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It’s stopped now but it lashed down,the sky is still leaden
Bobbisox yes and I know which way its heading lady lol! Can see it from here and am battening down the hatches. ;-)
Its been raining on and off all day in my part of West Yorkshire, I spotted a window and nipped to the shop whilst it let up for a bit.
No rain today, yet. But yesterday, did it come down!! It poured. Then the sun came out.
Rained heavily on and off all day, but it's supposed to be quite hot again next week. Wish this bloody weather would make up its mind!
It’s piddled down all day here, apart from the five minute drive to take the dog to a nice walking place, then the heavens opened again and we all got soaked.
We’re now ensconced in the conservatory with a glass of Chenin blanc in hand, enjoying the very green, wet garden, pondering when to fire up the oven to shove in the M&S Chinese banquet.
Armageddon has been and gone here.
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I’m enjoying a glass of Rose , it’s what you do on a soggy evening
It has been alright here today, had a tremendous thunderstorm on Wednesday though.

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