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What To Buy For My Brother

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emmie | 04:29 Mon 22nd Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
he is 70 soon, has an eclectic taste in music, likes a few beers etc.
i don't know what to get him to be honest. any suggestions most welcome


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What about a monocle? Headlining on here today as a possible 'next big thing'. :-)
Is there anything he needs for the home?
After this long period of staying at home I think he would enjoy an experience of some kind. Nothing daft, but 70 is the new 40.

Maybe other family members are wondering what to get him too. Perhaps you could contact them and club together to pay for that weekend break in Cornwall for next spring.
If he likes music then a record that was number one at the time of his birth.

What about a beer...or cider...subscription box? A tasting surprise every month, some can be bought as a one-off I think.
A bottle of quality whiskey.
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thanks for the suggestions all good. I have asked my SIL as well and will see what she says.....
Hi again emmie, I wonder would he like a wireless bluetooth speaker for his music? You said he has a lot of music on his Kindle, it can play that.
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he has more hi fi gizmo's than you can possibly imagine,
Framed family photographs , maybe from when you were both younger ?
Paper from the day he was born?

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