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It Going To Be A Warm Night For Sleeping

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Bobbisox1 | 21:55 Tue 23rd Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Even with the bedroom windows wide open


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///Mozzies Retro? //

Sure Bobbi. We get Mosquitos down here. For some reason they particularly like my blood.
I recall staying at my sister's house in a place called Holland Landing in Ontario.. The bug nets were more holy than righteous and,in the morning, my wife counted just over 40 mozzies bites tracked down my shoulders and back.
After last night all I can say is 'Thank goodness for ceiling fans' we have two in the main bedroom, worth every penny that's for sure ;-)
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Any news about Mrs B , Baldric ?
Fan in the bedroom and drape a damp towel over me.

Yes Baldric, hope she's OK.
No news yet, she has a lot booked in for today though.
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Hopefully good news Baldric, fingers crossed for you all
We didn't find it too bad last night but we were up and out with Tilly, very early on.
Now, what are we going to do with the rest of the day? :-)
Slept quite well last night...under the light duvet. Windows only open a bit.
I bought 2 low noise fans to keep us cool. Still a bit noisy for my liking but you get used to it. Will bring one downstairs if it gets too hot later today.
Didn’t follow work colleagues guidelines in the living room! Breeze coming in off the sea and sun moved round, so opened the window, and pulled up the blind! Bedroom still in darkness though!
I had to sleep in all my glory with no covers on for the first couple of hours. OH hates having windows open at night but he had no choice last night.
Bit stuffy here....but got through the night, albeit 'some rolling around' - topped off by an excellent hour's kip from 5.20 to 6.20.....

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