.// Can the ex policemen on here explain why truncheons aren't used more widely to fight the rioters? Break s few bones?//
mais oui bebe !
or eef you wd like eet the French way
as this is a family thread
en francais
Luhaka souffre d'une plaie longitudinale de 10 cm du canal anal et d'une section du muscle sphinctérien, causés par l'insertion d'un bâton télescopique4, entraînant une incapacité temporaire de travail (ITT) de 60 jours.
an ee-tay-tay ? no it is permanent . His injury is such that he will require an ostomy for the rest of his life, and the police will pay
the lesson to be learnt ? they did it on video so all the initial statements of violence and self defence were shown to be obviously untrue