Special instructions:
An appropriate number of EXTRACTS (each of the same
appropriate length), one from each of a sequence of works by the
man whose name is the unclued entry, are to be replaced before
entry in the grid by items of a similar description (and of the same
length) in a different art form, resulting in non-words. The name of
their creator must replace the original unclued entry in the final
grid, this time making new real words.
Not sure if these 2 clues are like above or normal
31a Turned serious about international upland plant (7) for the grid entry i have ?PA???L
42a American overalls clothing fellow dismissing English jackets (10,2 words)
Yes, you're right with the name - another name (music) will replace it.
With that in mind, think about what the 'appropriate' number is likely to be with regard to Eliot (and then stick with that number throughout).
You'll see 3 fairly obvious candidates, but the 4th is better hidden.
Thank you Profmaisie ...will plod on.
20a Acceptable, for example, to probe literature. LEGIT ...how does this change to ?OKET in the grid or is it 11d that changes or both? I am a little confused (just for a change! not..)
I'm lagging!...
Help please with these...
23a Cricket side with nothing poorly put together (4) NE?O
30a Kingdom almost entirely plunged into a sort of sleep? (5) NEAL?
26a Four members of literal quintet expressing a frenzied cry (4)
EV 1441 i have beauty salons for 11 down and ambient noise for 12 down but they do not fit 20 across and 33 across respectively am i missing something.
worworcrosol - if you put your entries in you'll see where they clash with answers running across them. Only the thematic entries contain clashes, so 'proper' entries always overrule them.
Your entry for 11d has clashes in it - each set of clashes is a word in itself but the whole entry becomes a non-word.
Professorplum has mentioned (TS) ELIOT - google that for the 'appropriate number' and think of another artform for the word that follows the number - the replacements are of this type.
Why is the search facility on here so bad? I looked a number of times yesterday (Sun) to see if there were any comments and searches produced nothing. I tried 1441 and EV 1441 but without success. This morning it appears straight away!