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Rte 30

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scooke | 17:17 Mon 13th Jul 2020 | Crosswords
5 Answers
18a even for a little man you might not know from Adam. Isnt it there for the taking?(3-7,5)?o?,h??????,?r?i?
28a Valentino or Marilyn for the preferred old pin- up... or rather both in turn?(10)?e?r??????
13a its courtesy of what might tickle your fancy on track(4,4)???,f???
5d hang on a good while to get that additional part(9)?p?e?????


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13 Good form

28 Heartthrob
18 Low-hanging fruit
18 Low hanging fruit
5 Appendage
28 heart- throb - anagram of rather both

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Rte 30

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