Stone appears to be an attack dog. TBH most politicians and big businesses have one in some shape or form. And at the moment Trump is sooo hated by the left they dig deeper, faster and more often into anyone associated with him. That’s why they had to lie 17 times in legal documents to get the FISA awards that allowed ILLEGAL surveillance on the Trump campaign and even into his presidency. But one does, if you are a reasonable person have to ask, as I’ve said before, if they had to lie and plot and dig so deep and basically come up empty or a few beans in the bottom of the can, how dirty can Trump be!
I haven’t figured out his actual connection to the Trump campaign as he seems he left in 2015. But in any case, personally I lean on the side of I don’t rightly care that he commuted his sentence. Because one reason the left don’t use it for their mates is because they cover for them in the beginning. They have decades of experience in covering up their illegal activity so know exactly how to find the dirt on Trump because he hasn’t their political experience.
If there were fair and equitable reporting there would be less division in the US. But the left are so deranged they have given up all pretence of fairness. It is one reason you get an idiot who says if you don’t agree with BLM and instead say all lives matter you don’t want equality.