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Working From Home

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Bazile | 09:35 Fri 17th Jul 2020 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
If you didn't before this pandemic - how are you finding it ?


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I’ve loved it. Been on furlough from late March. Some fellow workers are now to go back near the end of this month. I’ve yet to be called, but any time now.
Bazile, broadcasters, like anyone I suppose, have to work from home if their offices no longer have space for them. An office that once seated 30 may now have room for halt that.
Eleanor being furloughed means you didn't have to work at all rather than you had to do your normal work but from home surely?
I think a lot of us, at least in the short term would have liked to be furloughed.
Prudie of course, I’ve read the question wrong!
Mr Smow has been working from home for about 8 months anyway since he finished his last consultancy job. He can contact all his clients online and via phone so it’s actually been no different for him. He just won’t take on another contract Till it’s all over.
And I was working from home anyway.
Some people will enjoy working from home and no doubt they will save on travel,wear and tear on cars ,time ,food etc.,but what about the large empty office blocks? Council taxes will drop,cleaners and maintenance staff will be redundant, public transport and taxis, car parks will all suffer, nearby cafes and sandwich shops ,at the moment relying on the workers for custom will lose out.Probably a lot of people will become unemployed. It's a case of swings and roundabouts at the moment.
Several broadcaster have always worked from home. Desmond Carrington did so for many years, as it was far easier for him to do than to travel from his Perthshire home to a BBC studio. (Living with his producer, Dave Aylot, probably helped quite a bit too!)

I don't think that I'd like to work from home, as I'm far too easily distracted. I often consider starting online courses but I doubt that I could concentrate long enough to do them properly. The temptation to keep checking out the latest posts on AB would always be a handicap to me!
andres, Im a cleaner. I suppose it depends who the employer is.
I am also but I was talking about the large blocks that will become empty.
Ah, ok x
My son and his wife are working from home, but he often worked from home before covid. They both work for the same small company. She works three days a week. He works all hours under the sun. Both of them appear to be working very hard. He also travels quite a bit within the UK. He has been popping back to the company premises as necessary, and for meetings. He is now finding he gets more done than he used to and I think they propose carrying on like this.

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