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Nhs For Sale

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Canary42 | 13:37 Tue 21st Jul 2020 | News
22 Answers
I see the Tories have voted to include the NHS in any trade deal.

TRAITORS to the People's NHS, we paid for it, it's OURS to keep, not to sell off to meet Tory financial losses.


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Anything bad that happens to the NHS will be the Labour party's fault. Seriously. If they hadn't put a completely useless numpty like Corbyn in charge, and continued to delude themselves he could be a PM, the Tories wouldn't have had the majority they've got, and probably wouldn't even be in government.
Bednobs, Canary wrote 'we paid for it' past tense, as if it is bought and paid for which, by your comment, you agree definitely isn't the case.

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